Thursday, January 19, 2012

5th Winter School of Immunology

The Gods will offer you chances,
Know them, take them. 
you are marvellous
 the Gods wait to delight
in you.
- Charles Bukowski, The Laughing Heart

Indeed they did.
Imagine being invited to scenic Jodhpur to meet 49 other immunologists from all across India to discuss your work and to get to know one another. Now add to the mix that there will be seminars on cutting edge science that's being done in labs as we speak.

The labs of Harvard and Yale Medical School and UCSF, I mean.
Now as the icing on the cake, the faculty from these institutions themselves arrive to teach us a thing or two about immunology and take our questions and sit with us at the dinner tables to laugh and talk the night away.
It seems surreal, but it's true. I just came back in a daze of disbelief, wonderment and inspiration that I've met some of the best immunologists in the world today and also that I got the chance to meet and talk to some of our country's future stars in the field.

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